Tuesday, November 17, 2009

PLEASE buy our house!! (our meaning Ben's)

Ben is trying to sell his house! We are ready to ditch the bachelor pad and get a place of our own. If you know of ANYONE who is looking for a twin home in the nice holladay area please, please spread the word. You can see more pics of the house below..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Winter Westwater..

If you need me..I'll be freezing on the river! I don't know how Ben talked me into this, but here we are rafting in November. I scared..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

One Year Mark (mostly for Jill)

Found this poem here which is a great gift idea. (Jill- I think we should get one for all the kids for the year mark) It was written by a son who lost his father to cancer.
Cancer just sucks..

If my Father were here
He’d show us this
That true love is found
In a family kiss

That a hug must come freely
That a smile leaves a mark
That a quarrel long forgotten
Must remain in the dark

If he were here with us now
He would teach us by deed
How to give oft in silence
To those so in need

How to walk through life proudly
With our heads pointed high
Hold regret a mere moment
And then let it pass by

If my Father were here
On this sad and gray day
He would give us “that look”
Then know just what to say

He would smile at us brightly
Make us laugh on a dime
Tell us just what will heal us
Family… and time

But wait, he is with us
He will always be with us

Though his body will rest
In a safe space below
He’ll continue to guide us
And he wants us to know

That although he is absent
He’ll continue his love
And he’ll visit us daily
From his home up above
And we’ll see him again, but until we do, Let us honor his memory
Let us treasure his memory.
Let us never forget that the only things

which mattered to him, were not actually things
But instead, the souls of those
of us here today, and those in his heart, which are not.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This is seriously wrong!!

After reading MSNBC that the Duggars are expecting thier 19th child, yep that's right 19th child it made me through up a bit in my mouth! I've been disgusted all day that these peeps are going to have 19 children! I know I'm not a mother, but can you physically, mentally, emotionally and financially give the proper care to 19 children??

Mama Wheat in Town

Ben's mom was in town for a whole week! We had a great time, sure wish she lived in SLC:(
We dragged mama wheat up to wasatch state park to camp in the cub. (ben and his family grew up camping at wasatch state park for a couple of weeks a summer) It was nice taking her down memory lane, and not to mention show off the trailer!

1-Me discovering the cub's AC! It was pretty hard for me to leave the trailer with the cranking AC.
2-An unsuccessful attempt to have a fun filled day at Jordanelle
3-BW's Bday! and his lovely phrase ALL weekend "It's my birthday weekend" this was his phrase to have everything his way. (not my idea of fun)
4-Pete and Tim, enough said..I've never laughed soo hard! It's really like hanging out with immature teenagers, but highly entertaining.
5-My amazement at how momma wheat loves her miller lite:)
6-REI lounge chairs.
7-Grandma backing up the big dodge while grandpa smokes a cig guiding her in.
8-People watching, people watching!
9-Seeing mama wheat ride a bike for the first time in what she claims 20 years!
10-Seeing Pete ride a bike and calling the night short due to exhaustion from riding 2 miles.
11-Big dinner at the Harry's with the combined families! ahhhh.

It was a great weekend. Pics to come.

Friday, August 21, 2009


I love this pic..
My little sis is packing her bags for LA. She's 3 months shy of 19 and well on her way to the big city. Hay Hay is paving the path for her dancing career. She has an AMAZING talent that she's brave enough to chase. I'm really going to miss her:( It's going to be a great experience for her and I can't wait to be the big sis and help her along the way!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tour of Utah!

Everyone should support this event! It's becoming a more and more competitive race in the cycling world. Be on the look out for hot professional cyclist on the road this week and next. I especially love the Friday night event and the Saturday morning finish up little cottonwood canyon. My sis and I are considering climbing little cottonwood Saturday morning before all the pros come through. Any takers??

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It will be mine, oh yes..It will be mine!!

My new found love..Isn't she pretty? If only I can afford it!! I'm dying for a new bike these days. I've had my bike for about 6 years now, isn't it time for a new full carbon? I think so!

Monday, July 27, 2009

back to the grind

Outside my Window: I actually don't have a window at my new job:( but I guess enough time to put in a quick blog!!

I am Thinking: About my cousin Tiff's wedding this past weekend. It was beautiful!! She and Zack are a great couple and I couldn't be more happy for the both of them.

I am Thankful For: My family! We know how to party and tear up the dance floor:)

From the Kitchen: Just bought a great new cookbook! 3 new recipes this week..Wish me luck.

I am Wearing: Navy pants and my new fav shirt from jcrew.

I am Creating: Work list, after work list for when my replacement leaves at the end of the week! ahhhh..

I am Going: to attempt to head to the gym after a long weekend of not much activity besides eating and drinking!

I am Reading: The poison wood bible

I am Hoping: That I get back in the routine of life..A long weekend is rough on the everyday schedule.

I am Hearing: The hustle and bustle of crazy physicians.

Around the House: Laundry and healthy meals!

One of My Favorite Things: Camping in the CUB with Ben and Koda Bear!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week: Hopefully getting the boat out and camping!

What are you doing Today? working for 45 more min, then off to the gym and grocery shopping.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I survived!

Phewwww.. I made it through the 103 mile bike race this weekend. The little red riding hood is an anual all women's bike ride through northern Utah. This year they had 2600 women participate in the event raising money for breast cancer. It was a thrilling 103 miles (some of the time). I couldn't have done the ride without the other 7 strong women who helped us all accomplish our 103 mile goal! Congrats to all of us!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm baaccckkk!

It's official! I'm moving back to Utah..A job opportunity at the University of Utah school of medicine presented itself and I took it! It's been a crazy week, but I'm excited to be back in SLC. My new job adventure begins June 29th. Jackson was a great experience and I'll be leaving behind some really good friends, but I'm ready to move on with my life and future plans.. For those of you who never made it to visit, you have 3 weeks and counting!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last weekend I had the opportunity to fly on a private plan (not kidding) and attend a holistic nursing conference. It was very inspiring and motivating. The concept is to integrate traditional medicine with hollistic approaches. Which means providing alternative therapies in a traditional hospital setting. Some examples include providing acupunture, aromatherapy, biofeedback, healing touch, music therapy massage therapy, yoga, etc. Wouldn't you all love to have these services if you happen to be in the hospital?

Here's a brief description of the integrative center in San Diego. The physician who started the center is amazing! I sorta have a crush on her:)
Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine
Healing People and Changing Lives Through Science and Compassion

Our mission
The Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine offers the best of conventional and complementary medicine. We believe there are many paths to healing and that health is a cohesive balance of mind, body and soul. Through research, education and the design of healing programs, we value and recognize the wisdom of all healing traditions.

We take a holistic or “whole-person” approach to your health
At Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, we take a holistic or “whole-person” approach to health and wellness. We believe that health is dynamic, continually influenced by how we live our lives and how we relate to the world around us. And, we believe that healing starts from within.

From the moment you walk through the doors of the Health and Healing Center, you sense that the integrative approach is unlike any other. We blend evidence-based complementary and alternative therapies with conventional Western medicine in a “best of both worlds” approach to treating disease, healing and improving health. We care for people with heart disease, pain, weight management needs, cancer, diabetes, stress, women’s health issues and many other health concerns.

We empower you to promote your own healing with a full range of conventional and complementary treatments and therapies. Through clinical research, education, prevention and lifestyle changes, you’ll discover powerful new ways to take control of your health.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Teton Tiramisu

The most amazing "giant" tiramisu ever! Ben and I had a romantic mother's day dinner at a local Italian joint in Jackson. It was delicious..

Saturday, April 25, 2009

6 months

Last week marked six months since my grandpa passed away. There still isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him. I still find myself dialing his cell phone just to hear his voice. I have so many things to tell him about what's been going on the past six months.
the birth of another grandson
my older sister's success at her "big wig" job
my little sis and her dance career
haylee graduated
Ry dogg and his sweet lacross skills and becoming a teenager!
many trips to the desert
San Diego
grand canyon
RV camping
River trip, after river trip
many friend's weddings
me completing ALL my nursing pre-reqs!!
my dad's heart softening
private jets
good food and wine (always!)

Love you gramps! I know you're here with us through all these experiences.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Koda in Deep Thought

Ben and Koda hiked the living room on Sunday and here's a pic Ben sent me when they reached the summit. I like to think Koda's in deep thought admiring the city. He is human ya know..

Friday, March 6, 2009

A wedding in the "Hole"

I know, I know..I've been terrible at this bloggin' thang..Just an update, I am in J-Hole with my cousin Tiffanee planning a summer wedding. I think in my next life I should become a wedding planner! thanks to the four of you getting married all within the next 6-months. Just so you all know I am eloping!! If I come back one weekend married, don't be surprised or mad. I am saving the burden.
Congrats to my cuz tiff and zack for tying the knot in my current home town. It will be a beautiful wedding and I am psyched to help..

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

River Prom Countdown..

This Saturday celebrates the 6th year of the annual River Prom!! Can you tell what the theme was for last year? I often wish I was an adolescent in the 80's it was the best era ever. My most recent geeky 80s moment is cycling to Journey pretending I am in an 80's flick. I love my Steve Perry!! To check out more past pics from river prom www.riverprom.blogspot.com. If you feel like gettin' wild and crazy this Saturday, come!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

My new favorite movie

I saw this movie over the weekend and can't stop thinking about it. Please go see it so I can talk about it with someone!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Finally, the weekend..

My motto for the week:) It's just been one of those weeks. TGIF!